Well for the first time in the 2 months since I started my 52 Things In 52 Weeks thing, I'm actually ahead of myself. As in I'm not trying to finish things on a Sunday evening at 10 o'clock! Or worse... into the following week!
This week Joanne, my colleague at Proof Design, chose the Queen of Diamonds which meant I had to do a yoga class! I've been meaning to do it for years to see if it would help my dodgy back a bit but never got round to it.
2015 is the year of getting shit done so I went along to the Yoga Shala on Thursday night. I now have a new found admiration for those who do it regularly and Jaysus do I have new found respect for the downward dog, angry cat and all the other crazy named animal poses that meant I stretched places I never even knew I had!
I know the photo of me standing pointing at the yoga places logo isn't much proof that I actually did the class but believe me, after a tough but enjoyable hour of 'beginners' yoga... my aching hips don't lie!