This post is going to be short and sweet so excuse the stream of consciousness to follow!!
The 4 of Spades meant that I had to donate 3 hours of my time to help out a Facebook friend. If I'm honest the idea was to do something really helpful like help someone move house, or some manly DIY like painting or unsuccessfully putting together IKEA bookshelves! Due to time and perhaps a touch of laziness, I decided to turn this particular task into a busman's holiday.
It just happened that the same day I pulled this card I'd started work on designing a logo for a new catering business called Select Event Catering that Darren Nally, one of my best mates, was setting up. It wasn't until I'd put up the request on Facebook for ways to spend the 3 hours that Darren suggested that I was already doing that for him! Fair point I thought... so the logo became the subject of my altruism! 3 hours quickly passed, as did 4 or 5 and now he has a logo, business cards, website holding page and shiny new signage for when he launches the new venture at the end of November in Birmingham (Engerland, not Alabama!).
Darren seems to be pretty chuffed with the stuff. Far more importantly he's agreed to supply me with a lifetime's worth of gourmet burgers and crepes!!
Job done. Now to eat the spoils!