Tuesday 29 December 2015

Week 26 - Cook a new dish

I'd already cooked some new things this year but always forgot to document the process. The original idea for this post was to cook a recipe from the cookbook written by the guys from the Happy Pear restaurant in Greystones. They're conducting a bit of a healthy vegetarian food crusade at the moment and are pretty much the flavours (they're twins!) of the month of the Irish foodie scene.

I couldn't get all the ingredients for the beetroot burgers with homemade carrot hummus (fancy I know!) so instead went for something a little simpler to fulfil the brief... also using beetroot as its major ingredient.

My sister does a mean Beetroot Risotto with goats cheese recipe that also involves making a parmesan cheese crisp (first time I did that too!) so I made that instead!

I also eventually got around to making those beetroot burgers from the Happy Bear book and bloody hell were they delicious!

So here's the proof!...

Beetroot burgers with homemade carrot hummus and roasted sweet potato fries! Tasty!

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